Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hawaii's National 4-H Congress Delegates Hula
Thursday, September 11, 2008
National 4-H Youth Science Day

On October 8, 2008 the 4-H Youth Development Program is launching the first annual 4-H National Youth Science Day to help build America's future science, engineering, and technology workforce. The National Science Experiment, the designated science activity of 4-H National Youth Science Day, will focus on the environment and will use science principles to teach youth across the country about the importance of water conservation.
More details about the event can be found here:
And you can now check out the experiment itself.
Questions can be directed to Andy Ferrin (301-961-2972) or Allyson McMahan (301-961-2915) at National 4-H Council.
Apparently, we will be able to try out the experiment at Galaxy on Monday evening's "2008 Curriculum Showcase". I'll try to bring home other 4-H S.E.T. materials and ideas from Indianapolis next week.
Aloha! - Tom
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Hawaii FLL Training
Just a reminder - September 6th 8am-430pm - FLL coaches clinic at EB DEsilva Schoool - Hope to see you there!!
Friday, August 29, 2008 S.E.T page
4-H S.E.T.
Introduction to Hawaii 4-H Agents' Blog

Aloha 4-H Agents!
This web log can be a way for us to communicate about events, ideas, deadlines and any activities with which we are involved. We can post updates whenever necessary and pictures/videos of our 4-H activities. Let's give it a try and see how thing go. This is definitely a work-in-progress, feel free to change things up, experiment and add applications, pictures, anything you think will add to the value of this option for us.
Mahalo! - Tom